We empower young athletes to the next level of success by providing world class marketing services including but not limited to IN-DEPTH ATHLETE VIDEO INTERVIEWS, ATHLETE HEADSHOTS, and ATHLETE BIO.


We offer a generous discount on all athlete marketing packages to student athletes whose parents or guardians are currently serving in the US military, honorably discharged from the US military, and ALL first responders - Police, Fire, EMT.  Call or text us for details - 551.206.3300

Athlete Marketing Interviews by Sunil Sunder Raj - Video Interview with Jackson Vaughn, Jayden Beckley, Chaz Cusimano, Phoenix Evans, and Tahj Gray.

As a media relations specialist I conduct IN-DEPTH VIDEO INTERVIEWS with players and coaches while covering high school and college sports. I also report game recaps and write featured articles. Our IN-DEPTH VIDEO INTERVIEWS are included in ALL of our athlete packages.

Choose Our Bronze Package Below.

We also have other packages available.

Bronze Athlete Package
Bronze Athlete Package

Our Bronze Athlete Marketing Package features

  • The IN-DEPTH VIDEO INTERVIEW will be posted here on SunilSunderRaj.com as well as on our YouTube channel and also posted to our Twitter (X) account which is @SunilSportsNews – we have 25,000+ followers.

More details below!

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